The main objective of the German Arab Concultancy consists in assisting worldwide companies as well as individuals to take advantage of the multi-facetted international market.
GAC implements your specific economic philosophy, market strategy or investment policy in transporting them - upon prior mutual consent only - to interested GAC-members in Germany and affiliated arab countries.
We provide many valuable international services in many domains.
GAC offers you worldwide expert presence in Europe and will provide you with market research, lists of names of various products and suppliers.
You may individually contribute to the expansion of the national and international markets through utilizing the support of GAC and also assisting us with your own valuable input.
Would you like to advertise your products or services?
GAC can do it for you - German administration and efficient handling of your requests are based on our Know-How!
In case of a sucsessfull contract, consulting fees between 1-3% depending on the contract volume and negotiations, will be charged.